2015 Football Pool Square Winners

This year my family and I were able to fill two football grids to raise money towards the Amalia Lopez Memorial Student Literacy Scholarship. A special thank you to each and everyone of you that purchased a square. I had previously posted the winners of my grid but would like to also post the winners of the football squares that my brother and sister-in-law Raul and Kelly Lopez sold in Elko, NV.

The Lucky Winners of Both Grids by Quarter are as follows:

First Quarter: ... $50.00 per winner
Grid 1: Paul Robinson
Grid 2: Trudy Jacobsen
Scholarship Fund: $100.00

Second and Third Quarter: $50.00 per Quarter = $100.00 per winner
Grid 1: Deirdre Hammond
Grid 2: Debbie Davis
Scholarship Fund: $200.00

Fourth Quarter: $100.00 per winner
Grid 1: Sandra Lopez
Grid 2: Ashley Sanchez
Scholarship Fund: $200.00

Total Paid out to All winners: $500.00
Total Towards the Scholarship Fund: $500.00

Thank you all very much for your continuous support.